Who We Are | Hadrian Vets

Who We Are

We want our clients to feel at ease as well as their pets. We want to be accessible to you and encourage you to get in touch by telephone email or Facebook if you have any concerns, queries or want any more information on any aspect of your pets’ healthcare.

We will give the best possible information on all aspects of healthcare and help owners to make important decisions about their pets’ welfare and wellbeing.

We will use the most recent evidence based information to inform the care that we give to your pet.

We pride ourselves on our clinical excellence.

All surgery and dentistry is done on site.

We are here to offer professional advice about the simple things as well as the more complicated problems such as obesity and managing the diabetic pet.

We aim to carry out general practice to a standard similar to that seen in the bigger referral hospitals but with a more personal touch. We already have full state of the art monitoring equipment. We even make our own oxygen! We aim to use gold standard recommendations when planning all our anaesthetic procedures from routine neutering to geriatric patients with other health issues.

Browse our site to see what this means in practical terms. Check the what we offer section.

Our practice is available to all – we even have clients travel all the way from Sunderland to see us