Feed animals for their life-stage: puppy and kitten up to 1 year adult 1-8 senior 8 onwards.
It is important that large breed dogs (25kg and over) receive large breed food during the first 12-18 months of their lives to ensure minerals are balanced for joint growth.
Do not supplement puppy foods they are balanced for the needs of the dog.
Use good quality food and ensure whatever you feed that it is made by a member of the pet food manufacturers association www.pfma.org.uk.
We only stock premium veterinary recommended diets. Hills are our main food. These diets are premium quality and have a range of lifestyle diets they also provide us with prescription diets specifically developed to treat/stabilise specific diseases e.g. renal diet. These prescription diets are designed to treat specific conditions and prolong the life of your pet.
Never feed muesli or mixed diets with grains it is not a natural food for rabbits and not recommended (the large pet stores no longer stock it due to the health issues it causes)Rabbits need to eat like a wild rabbit…. lots of fibre…. 90% of the diet should be good quality hay/redigrass™ cheap meadow hay from pet shops are a poor substitute and are invariably dusty.
The high fibre diets increase natural wear on the teeth and help prevent dental disease while the normal bacteria are maintained by high fibre and help prevent the incidence of gastrointestinal problems.
High fibre diets reduce the risk of obesity.
Feed a small palm-full of mixed greens a day.
Pellets are not essential but help provide some vitamins and minerals and rabbits love them.
No more than a teaspoon a day for dwarf breeds and a dessertspoon for all others.
The more pellets you feed the less fibre your rabbit will eat.
Buy the best fibre you can afford such as the Burgess range.
Do not give snacks and treats that are not natural e.g. carrot biscuits, crunchy sticks.