This is an area of veterinary medicine that is often neglected and historically the impact of dental disease on quality of life and health had not been recognised.
Dental disease is a common problem in cats and dogs it is thought that as many as 85% of animals aged 3 years and over have some form of dental disease.
Unfortunately the majority of dental disease occurs in the older dog especially if build up of tartar and any gum disease is not dealt with at an early stage. Once tartar has built up tooth cleaning will not help to remove it and a scale and polish is needed. This is done under anaesthetic to ensure it is a safe procedure.
If you have any concerns about your pets breath or teeth make an appointment with one of our nursing team who can advise and reassure you on dental health and whether your pet needs to see the veterinary surgeon.
Our Senior Vet, Paulina, holds a certificate in Small Animal Dentistry and Oral Surgery. This follows from extensive training in advanced techniques and gold standard dentistry. This means at Hadrian’s we can offer the highest standard of dental care for your pet along side advanced procedures such as tooth restorations and root canal procedures.
The vet can discuss any risks associated with your individual pet and give an estimate of costs which always includes pain relief, intra-operative fluids and medication and all post operative checks.
We have a designated dental room where we have all the equipment necessary to carry out all the regular treatment you would expect from your own dentist as well as more advanced procedures.
We carry out dental radiographs as routine in all patients to assess the whole mouth and allow for extraction planning.